We all experience aches and pains, we usually brush them off and get over them, but sometimes we don’t. When our bodies act up and betray us we sometimes feel like there are not a lot of options out there. We take it easy, rest up hope it starts to feel better and then hope it doesn’t come back, or we just learn to live with the aches and pains and hope they doesn’t get worse. What would you say if I told you there was another option.
By utilizing a range of modalities, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), Kinesiology, Structural engineering and 15+ years of experience, we can help asses your system for the limitations that have been breaking your body down. And use this information to create a controlled and custom program to help you improve those mechanics.
Not all exercises are created equal, and just because some exercises worked in helping one person does not mean they will help you in the same way. We all have different strengths and limitations in our bodies and we need to find right series of exercises to improve your specific issues. Utilizing these various techniques we can help understand the patterns and lack of control in your body and help you improve and start taking control of your life again.